Ursula Emilia Stewart

My practice is a bit of a mixed bag honestly - with Dance at the forefront and art, yoga, poetry, massage, and all things movement, somatic practice, creativity and performance based!
I’ve been working as a Dance Artist in the Highlands of Scotland delivering classes and workshops to all age groups in a range of dance styles, as I believe all should have access to the joys of movement and expression! I’ve continued building upon my own dance practice and explorations, which tend to be based on tuning inwards, expressing outwards.
I seek to discover why we as people do the things we do, see things in the lights and colours that we do, and how our different circumstances and teachings influence and shape the world around us. That exploration has taken me down many paths (and sometimes a few spirals) but it keeps me motivated to continue exploring and connecting and discovering and communicating, and hopefully performing and sharing my interpretations on the discoveries I make.