Suzi Cunningham


Sotto meaning “under the breath”  is a reflection of an initial idea of exploring whispers, illusion, delusion: is what you see, or hear real? 

As I explored these ideas, a character developed that saw the world from another perspective. It started to see the darkness of greed and the developing work became a comment on aspects of materialism and consumerism.

I will be using this residency to look at ways of moving from extreme postures that provide different viewpoints and working with materials, items of rubbish, vegetables and foodstuffs, exploring the emerging themes and transformative quality of the body. I will use Butoh techniques (including Aikido and Noguchi Taiso), embodied movement, physical theatre and instant composition to develop this work into a full length piece.

There will be a sharing of work in progress in the studio from 6pm Thursday 15 March

Photo Credit: Paul Macguire

